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The Houseplant Masterclass
Course Introduction
Welcome (1:34)
A Note Before We Begin
Understanding Plant Taxonomy (20:23)
Botanical Latin Pronunciation (6:08)
Houseplant Basics Review (BONUS) ⭐
Houseplant Basics: What is a Plant Anyway? (11:25)
Houseplant Basics: Why Plants Need Light (5:53)
Houseplant Basics: Grow Lights (6:18)
Houseplant Basics: Your Plant Parent Qualities (3:10)
Houseplant Basics: Houseplants for Beginners (8:21)
Houseplant Basics: Where to Put Your Plant (4:40)
Houseplant Basics: How to Display Your Plants (7:49)
Houseplant Basics: Choosing a Potting Medium (4:25)
Houseplant Basics: How to Shop for Plants (4:17)
Houseplant Basics: How to Pot a Plant (20:50)
Houseplant Basics: Watering Your Plants (5:59)
Houseplant Basics: Fertilizing Your Plants (7:16)
I. Introductory Section
1. A Quick History of Plants
2. A Brief Guide to How Plants Work
3. The Origins of "The Houseplant"
Exercise 1. Finding Your Favorite Houseplant's Origin Story
🏆 Your First Badge!
II. The Houseplant Master Mindset
1. It's Okay to Fail, as Long as You Observe
2. How to Develop Observational Skills
3. Learning How to Read Plants: An Exercise in Observation
4. Intuiting a Plant's Needs: How to Read a Plant (3:38)
— Exercise 2. How to Read a Plant, Step 1
— Exercise 2. How to Read a Plant, Step 2
— Exercise 2. How to Read a Plant, Step 3
🏆 Badge #2
III. The Ten Commandments of Plant Care
Introduction (2:55)
III-A. Thou Shalt Give Plants Light
1. Thou Shalt Give Plants Light
a.) Plants get crafty about their sun needs
— Alternative color varieties, variegation and chimeras
— Green plants (0:12)
— Leaves as your guide (3:13)
— Natural light considerations (1:32)
b.) Too much of a good thing
— Light intensity considerations
— Other light considerations
— Light wavelengths matter (0:52)
— Measuring light in your home or space
— Are these grow lights any good?
c.) Assessing Light at Home (📹video)
🏆 Badge #3
III-B. Remember to Water Thy Plants
2. Remember to Water Thy Plants
a.) Drought-tolerant plants need water too
b.) Water’s physiological purpose
c.) Plants both “breathe” and “sweat” (1:37)
d.) A plant’s water-saving strategies
e.) General rules of thumb when watering
— General watering tips
f.) Top down watering or bottom up?
g.) Best time of day to water plants
— General watering guidelines
h.) Watering frequency ( 📹video)
i.) How to water plants (📹video)
j. Tips for People Who Overwater (📹video)
k.) Water plants with me ( 📹video) (36:33)
🏆 Badge #4
III-C. Honor a Plant's Need for Air and Ventillation
3. Honor a Plant’s Need for Air and Ventilation (1:39)
🏆 Badge #5
III-D. Remember a Humid Home is a Plant Happy Home
4. Remember a Humid Home is a Plant Happy Home
a.) Shower your plants—with love and humidity
b.) Dry heat is a plant’s enemy
🏆 Badge #6
III-E. Thou Shalt Keep the Best Temperature for Plants
5. Thou Shalt Keep the Best Temperature for Plants (0:15)
a.) Seeds need warmth more than light (0:28)
🏆 Badge #7
III-F. Thou Shalt Provide the Best Growing Medium for Plants
6. Thou Shalt Provide the Best Growing Medium for Plants
a.) What’s in a soil mix?
b.) What makes a good soil mix
c.) Picking the right mix
d.) How to read the ingredients on a bag of soil mix (4:05)
e.) Changing your plant’s soil
— Soil mix ingredient list
f. Hydroponics in the home
🏆 Badge #8
III-G. Thou Shalt Go Forth and Fertilize Plants so They Prosper
7. Thou Shalt Go Forth and Fertilize Plants so They Prosper
a.) The Basics of Fertilizing Your Plants (37:20)
b.) Food vs. Fertilizer (3:02)
c.) A plant’s essential nutrients
d.) Three Categories of Nutrients (4:38)
e1.) Deficiency Symptoms in Plants — Part I (8:12)
e2.) Deficiency Symptoms in Plants—Part II (4:17)
e3.) Deficiency Symptoms in Plants—Part III (0:51)
f.) Potting medium pH and Fertilizing (1:30)
g.) What to keep in mind when fertilizing (0:55)
h.) Inorganic vs. Organic Fertilizers (4:28)
i.) Fertilizing your plants
— Fertilizer ingredients
🏆 Badge #9
III-H. Thou Shalt Pot Plants Appropriately
8. Thou Shalt Pot Plants Appropriately
a.) Terra-cotta vs. plastic planters
b.) Potting your plant
c.) Honey, my plant’s outgrown its pot!
d.) What to do with old soil
e.) Get planters, have fun!
🏆 Badge #10
III-I. Remember to Prune, Groom, Pinch, Thin, Turn and Propagate
9. Remember to Prune, Groom, Pinch, Thin, Turn and Propagate
🏆 Badge #11
III-J. Thou Shalt Give Plants Their Dormancy
10. Thou Shalt Give Plants Their Dormancy
— Keeping the Ten Commandments in Mind (0:53)
🏆 Badge #12
IV. Living with Plants
Introduction (0:40)
1. The Most Important Question You Can Ask (1:45)
2. Houseplant Home Makeover ( 📹video)
🏆 Badge #13
IV-A. Moving Your Plants
2. Moving Your Plants
🏆 Badge #14
IV-B. Accilmatizing Your Plants
3. Acclimatizing Your Plants
a.) Acclimatizing your plants - Lessons from Dieffenbachia
b.) Acclimatizing your plants - Lessons from Scindapsus
c.) Acclimatizing your plants - Lessons from Adenium
🏆 Badge #15
IV-C. Cleaning Your Plants
4. Cleaning Your Plants
🏆 Badge #16
IV-D. Grooming, Pinching and Pruning Your Plants
5. Grooming, Pinching and Pruning Your Plants (1:34)
🏆 Badge #17
IV-E. Propagating Your Plants
6. Propagating Your Plants
a.) Basic foundations of propagation
b.) Water vs. soil roots
c.) Factors that help plants root
d.) Tools for propagation
e.) Rooting hormone (0:42)
🏆 Badge #18
IV-F. Principal Propagating Techniques
f.) Principal propagation techniques
— Cuttings (3:36)
— Division
— Offsets
— Runners, rhizomes, and stolons
— Grafting (18:52)
— Air layering
— Seeds
🏆 Badge #19
IV-G. Watering Hacks for the Home
7. Watering Hacks for the Home
🏆 Badge #20
IV-H. Going on Vacation
8. Going on Vacation
🏆 Badge #21
IV-I. Pets and Plants
9. Pets and Plants
🏆 Badge #22
IV-J Troubleshooting Your Houseplants
Diagnosing Common Problems with Plants
IV-K. Pest Management
Let's Get Started! (0:55)
10. Pest Management (33:57)
a.) Sucking pests suck!
— Scale (Coccidae and Diaspididae families)
— Mealybugs (Pseudococcidae families)
— Aphids (Aphidoidea superfamily, Aphididae family)
— Common whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) (0:12)
— Spider mites (Family: Tetranychidae)
— Fungus gnats (Bradysia sp.) (12:53)
— Thrips (Order: Thysanoptera)
— Pests in summary (+ 📹video)
🏆 Badge #23
IV-L. Effective Biological Control
b.) Effective biological control (9:50)
c.) Harmless soil Arthropods & Isopods
d.) Best Practices to Prevent & Control Pests
🏆 Badge #24
IV-M. Plant Pathogens
Overview (2:17)
— Viral Infections (5:00)
— Bacterial Diseases (5:26)
— Fungal Diseases (4:03)
— Oomycete Pathogens (1:20)
— Algal Parasites (1:36)
— Nematodes (3:02)
— 20+ Common Houseplants & Common Pathogens
Conclusion (0:50)
IV-M. Growing Old with Your Plants
11. Growing Old with Your Plants
— Mature plants don't happen overnight
🏆 Badge #25
IV-N. Sharing the Beauty of Plants
12. Sharing the Beauty of Plants (3:15)
Conclusion & Recap
🏆 Badge #26
V. Appendices
Appendix A. Common Botanical Latin
Appendix B. PPFD, Foot Candles and Light Conversions
Appendix C-1: How to Use the 350 Houseplants Care Guide (32:14)
Appendix C-2: 350 Houseplant Care Guide
Appendix C-3: Houseplant Care Tracker™ (15:06)
Appendix D. Dormancy in Succulents
🏆 Bonus Badge
Book Recommendations
Botanical Glossary
Organizations of Interest
'Plant One On Me' Video Library
'365 Days of Plants' Video Library
🏆 Bonus Badge
My Product Recommendations
🏆 Bonus Badge
Survey, Testimonials, & Suggestions
🏆 Badge #27
Houseplant Basics: Choosing a Potting Medium
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